

Harry Cooper ’22: Forest Carbon Sequestration at the 席勒海岸研究中心

地理信息系统(GIS) class last year with 艾琳•约翰逊 in which he worked on a community-based project for a local l和 trust—as well as ENVS2201:环境科学展望 今年夏天,库珀决定更深入地研究这个问题. 买球平台 可持续发展办公室  环境研究, he undertook the arduous task of calculating the amount of carbon being absorbed by trees at the 席勒海岸研究中心 在Harpswell. 哈利·库珀夏季联谊庆典

“我觉得这是个有趣的主意, 和 I would learn a lot of GIS 和 statistics I wouldn't get exposed to in my coursework,他说. “我觉得我正在走出我所知道的——我是一名专注于经济学的学生. And I have learned a lot about forest management 和 how the industry is using GIS."

他夏天的大部分时间都花在了席勒的四个长期研究项目上, 对树干直径进行新的测量. 此外,他还使用了激光雷达-光探测和测距-模拟树冠高度和其他森林特征的数据. Then he used his data points to extrapolate across the rest of the forest at the 118-acre center to estimate the total amount of biomass 和 how much carbon is held in that mass.

现在公布他的结果还为时过早,因为他现在正在运行他的模型. The purpose of gathering this information is to potentially consider the forest as an offset for carbon emissions, 作为一个有创意的话题, 他说. "So we can say Bowdoin emits this many Coastal Studies Center's worth of emissions," he explained. “这是一种使碳这个抽象概念变得更加有形的方法."

顾问: 莎娜·斯图尔特的事迹, 凯萨•李•库巴拉Keisha佩森, 菲利普Camill

Lauren Caffe '22:自然灾害故事3.0: Documenting how Climate Change Continues to Take its Toll on Wildlife 和 Human Communities

在一个历史性的山火肆虐的夏天, 干旱, 极端高温, 美国国家野生动物联合会发布了第三版 非自然灾害, an interactive story map that illustrates how recent extreme weather events are affecting wildlife 和 human communities across the United States. 野火

We call these “unnatural” disasters because they have been worsened by human-caused climate change. This new version adds dozens of new examples to the map that have occurred over the last two years, 这反映出它们变得越来越普遍.

到目前为止,仅今年就提供了大量的例子. 西部大部分地区目前正经历历史性的野火季节, record-breaking heat waves 和 干旱 are damaging fragile ecosystems 和 killing wildlife, 目前的飓风季节可能与去年的破坏性速度相媲美.

The map makes clear that no part of the country remains untouched by the impacts of climate change, 也不是整个地球. 然而,一些地区和社区比其他地区和社区承受的负担更重. 最新版本承认了这一点, including for the first time a discussion of how climate-fueled disasters disproportionately impact the same low-income or communities of color that have historically suffered from environmental injustice.

玛丽亚·麦肯齐23岁: 杂环胺的电荷离域及其对土壤的吸附

“在环境和物质世界, 农药, 药品, 个人护理产品(PPCPs)变得越来越普遍. Many of these PPCPs contain heterocyclic amine functional groups that become cationic within environmentally relevant pH of 3-9.

 I am focusing on once these PPCPs find their way into water (whether through run-off or wastewater), 这些阳离子杂环胺是如何转移或吸收到土壤上的? 这种吸附告诉我们它们的潜在危害和环境命运. 玛丽亚·麦肯齐在瓦苏德万“污垢实验室”

考虑到胺序的广泛差异, 大小, 形状, 与其它结构组分之间均为阳离子杂环胺, 模拟这些化合物如何被土壤吸收是很重要的. 最新的模型使用特定于机制的探针, phenyltrimethyammonium (PTMA), 和比例因子来解释结构差异. PTMA was determined as a good probe for determining the sorption of non-heterocyclic amines, though I am working to determine if PTMA is a good probe for heterocyclic amines.

 要做到这一点, my research delves into the underlying factors that drives sorption 和 the greatest driver is the positive charge delocalization of the amine through its aromatic rings. I have found that compounds that are more positive charge delocalized have a higher affinity to stay within the soil 和 its mechanism to do so can be adequately modeled with PTMA. 

I am specifically looking at the effect of charge delocalization using three heterocyclic amine substructures - isoquinoline (ISQN), 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (1,2,3,4-THIQ), 和5,6,7,8-tetrahydroisoquinoline (5,6,7,8-THIQ). 异喹啉是离域电荷最多的, 5,6,7,8-THIQ是第二大电荷离域, 和1,2,3,4-THIQ是电荷最少的离域. 我发现在ISQN和5之间,6,7,8-THIQ, 吸附到土壤中通过相同的机制到达相似的地点, so ISQN having a greater positive charge delocalization affords it greater sorption to the soils. 我还发现PTMA是ISQN和5的一个很好的探针,6,7,8-THIQ,因为这三者通过相同的机制吸收到相似的位点. 1,2,3,根据我的初步数据,4-THIQ吸收到不同的站点, thus the effects of charge delocalization increasing sorption is less clear as of now." 

本研究, 在Vasudevan“污垢实验室”进行的, 是玛丽亚化学荣誉项目的重点. 玛丽亚在斯坦利·F的指导下工作. 德鲁肯米勒化学与环境研究教授Dharni Vasudevan.

Professor Phil Camill 和 Ana Gunther travel to Baffin Isl和 for clues of climate change impacts on l和scapes 

In July of 2022, professor Phil Camill 和 Ana Gunther ’23 (环境研究/Earth & 海洋科学专业)前往加拿大巴芬岛, 在遥远的岩石地形中寻找色彩. 他们的发现远远超出了他们的预期. Ana Gunther Baffin岛2022年夏天

抵达伊魁特后不久, 巴芬的主要城镇, Camill 和 Gunther knew they were in a l和 changing more quickly 和 dramatically than they had anticipated.

同事和学生, Camill frequently travels to the Arctic in the summertime to collect soil samples, which provide clues about how warming is affecting l和scapes 和 their carbon dynamics, 以及景观如何反过来反馈给气候变化.

每次他都朝北走, 他收集了更多的数据并发表了新的发现, adding new pieces of knowledge to our underst和ing of how global warming is progressing.

但在这次旅行中,发现的规模比平时更大. 作为一名科学家, 这是一个特殊的发现, 能够说, ‘哇, t在这里 is a really important peat moss group in an area that no one has really talked about.阅读全文 在这里.